The lecture, held on April 17, 2021, aimed to illuminate the intricate topic of Investor-State dispute resolution mechanisms, which represent a departure from traditional ad hoc investment arbitration by establishing permanent and institutionalized investment courts. These Investment Court Systems (ICS) are featured in recent investment treaties between the European Union (EU) and third States, as well as in ongoing efforts for a multilateral reform of investor-State dispute settlement. Criticisms of the traditional mechanisms include perceived deficiencies in transparency, legitimacy, consistency, and cost, as well as a lack of sufficient review of arbitral tribunal decisions. To address these criticisms, since 2015, the EU has sought to institutionalize investment dispute resolution by incorporating ICS provisions into its trade and investment agreements with third States and by participating in the UNCITRAL Working Group III on Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform.

Dr. August Reinisch, Professor of International and European Law at the University of Vienna, served as the speaker for the lecture. He provided a comprehensive understanding of the subject, drawing from his expertise and experience. The lecture garnered global viewership and was particularly valuable for international law professionals and students grappling with the complexities of the topic.

The lectures were widely disseminated on platforms like YouTube and various social media channels, attracting significant academic interest worldwide. Attendees included dignitaries from the WTO, members of Indian Ministries, senior officials, and esteemed academics. These events aimed to promote awareness of international law, attracting a substantial number of enrolled students and fostering interactive sessions where participants gained valuable insights.