Chanakya International Law Lectures

After analysing the interest of students in International law, AFPR organized “Chanakya International Law lectures in association with International law forum”. This is an initiative to foster academic research in the area of international law by providing a platform to discuss and deliberate current events and to allow young international law enthusiasts to share and express their views. Four lectures have been organized under this initiative.

Enrica Lexi Case: A view from the other side

The Enrica Lexie case also known as the Italian Marines Case was an international controversy about a shooting off the western coast of India. On 15th February 2012, two Indian fishermen were killed off the coast of Kerala, India, aboard St. Antony. Shortly after the incident, the Indian Navy intercepted Enrica Lexie and detained the two Italian marines The legal battle took numerous turns through years and has tweaked interest of various law professionals and academicians.

India’s attempt to exercise criminal jurisdiction over state officials was unlikely to succeed without Italy’s consent. Yet, both sides won points – Italy over jurisdiction and immunity and India over freedom of navigation and compensation. 

This lecture took place on 8th Jan, 2021. The speaker for this lecture was Professor Attila Tanzi who was the lead counsel for Italy against India in the Enrica Lexie Case at the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, Netherlands. He holds the chair of International Law at the University of Bologna for the past thirteen years. He has also been the Chairman of the Legal Board of the UNECE Water Convention and a Legal consultant and special rapporteur to WHO and UNECE. He is a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, conciliator at the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and legal consultant to Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On several occasions, he was the member of Italy’s delegation to the Sixth Committee (Legal) to the U.N. General Assembly. 

The lecture provided insight into the intricacies of the case and shed light on to the principles and nuances of international law. The procedure and political disputes that arose during it were also taken into consideration and discussed in the lecture. The lecture provided deep insight and was viewed across the world by students, scholars and professionals alike.